Thursday, 29 September 2011


As part of the students’ exploration of ancient civilization, the grade fives have been learning all about mythology, especially stories from Greece. We discussed what a myth is, why they exist and what they mean. To make myths more meaningful to them, they wrote their very own myths. We have amazing authors in ISW’s grade five! We have stories about heroes, heroines, the northern lights, rainbows, monsters and lots of gods and goddesses. Pretty great stuff! The students also designed their own cover page to illustrate their story.
Students will share their myth with the class next Friday. Your child will take his or hers home with them after October 7th.
Some examples of the students’ work are below. Please take a look.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Welcome to the Grade 5 Blog!

We are looking forward to updating our Grade Five Blog. We will post weekly on Fridays. Items posted will relate to our units of inquiry, upcoming events and other class-related information. 

Blog Subscription:

Dear Grade 5 parents and relatives, please subscribe to our blog by providing us with your email address, so in this way, every time we update our blog, you will get an email reminding you to check our new posts. Type your email address in the box provided (under the Grade 5 group photograph) and submit it to us. We really hope you will be able to witness and enjoy our learning journey this year.

Unit of Inquiry:

Currently, the Grade 5 students are working on their first unit of inquiry: Legacies – An Examination of Past Civilizations.  For their final assessment, students have chosen to research either the ancient Roman or Greek civilization.  Students have chosen a particular artefact and/or system and are examining their importance in ancient and modern civilizations. Students will present the results of their research in the Museum of Time.  More details to come.

Grade 5 in a Roman Theater (Augusta Raurica - Basel)